Sunday, April 20, 2014

Learning from Social Media

Social media has changed the learning game. Many educational businesses are online from classes to textbooks to tutoring. After many years of putting it off, I finally decided to take the one math class I needed in order to transfer to a four-year college. My mother, father, and grandparents all told me that I needed to go on YouTube and watch videos to help me understand math. Not one of them told me to read a book or get a tutor. 

YouTube while mostly consisting of entraining videos does actually provide an awesome laid back and at times entertaining way to comprehend difficult subjects. I believe social media has made learning more relaxed. Being able to watch teacher lectures online at my own leisure allows me to soak up more information and comprehend the subject at hand more so than if I was taking a class at 9AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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