Sunday, March 23, 2014

Socially Active

Social media is a great tool for activism when looking at businesses. Most recently, during the Superbowl there was a Coca-Cola commercial that had ethnically diverse people singing the United States of America’s National Anthem in various languages. People were quick to take to Twitter in two distinct ways. The first group was angered at the commercial because most people in America speak English, so the thought of hearing America’s National Anthem in different languages was not welcomed. People took to Twitter in an effort to try and boycott Coca-Cola, seeing the commercial as being welcoming of illegal immigrants. The second group that took to Twitter, was the group that loved and embraced Coke’s “melting pot” commercial. Suggesting that everyone should be welcoming of each other no matter what background, advocating for equality among people.

The immense attention the Coca-Cola Superbowl ad of 2014 received on Twitter brought a slew of media attention. Social media and it’s various platforms, Twitter and others, are an excellent way of bringing about social or political change. The reason for this is because people feel as thought social media gives them a voice and when enough people make a sound, it catches the attention of national television news outlets and sparks debate.

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