Friday, May 9, 2014

Recommendations from Yours Truly

My recommendation to any customer of a business that is unsatisfied with the level of customer service or level of service received is to to reach out to them on social networks. I've had the best luck with Twitter so far but have heard various stories from friends about how Yelp works well for this too. As portrayed here in my conversation with FedEx below. Back story: I had ordered tickets to a concert and paid extra for them to arrive on a specific date as I had to travel out of town to the concert.
After this, a FedEx rep personally called me to discuss my problem. Understanding my tickets would be a day later than expected delivery and useless to me, the customer service rep called up my local FedEx where the tickets were being held. She said the tickets were already loaded onto the next day's shipment truck but that they had someone pull them and I could pick them up at the location. Score!! I got my tickets and the problem was solved. This could not have happened without social media. I know this because I tried calling the FedEx location my tickets were at to try and resolve my problem before resorting to social media.

Social media's various outlets provide an awesome tool for getting things taken care of. Communication is key in any situation. Next time you find yourself in a predicament, I encourage you to give social media a try in resolving your quandaries.

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